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Western Civilization

This course is a chronological study of the history of western civilization focusing on the time period from the end of the Middle Ages to the present. The purpose of this class is to familiarize students with politics, economics, and social histories, which constitute the western heritage. Successful completion of this course is required for graduation


This is where you can find everything you need to know about the course including, course description, materials needed, expectations, and contact information.


This is where you can access PowerPoints or Google Slides shown in class and turn in any classroom discussion materials such as bell ringers, discussion forums, or etc.


REMINDER: You will need to remember your school login information in order to use this resource. 

This is where you will access all section quizzes and chapter tests, as well as, turn in all worksheets or assignments such as terms and readings and chapter reviews.

REMINDER: You will need to remember your school login information in order to use this resource. 


Below is where you will find each topic that will be discussed throughout this school year. Each chapter is linked to an agenda that describes the daily activity in class. 


Preface: Early Civilization to Middle Ages

Chapter 1: Renaissance to Reformation

Chapter 2-3: Global Exploration

Chapter 4: Absolutism

Chapter 5: Enlightenment

Chapter 6: French Revolution

Chapter 7: Industrial Revolution

Chapter 8: Revolutions Around the World  


Chapter 9: Life in the Industrial Age

Chapter 10: Nationalism in Europe

Chapter 11: Growth of Western Democracies

Chapter 12-13: New Imperialism

Chapter 14: World War I

Chapter 15: Nationalism and Revolution Grows

Chapter 16: Rise of Totalitarianism

Chapter 17: World War II


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